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The Joys And Challenges Of Being A SAHM

There are pros and cons to being a stay-at-home mom. Once the pandemic hit nearly 3 years ago, we decided it was best for me to stay home and focus on our household and our little guy. Fast forward years later, while the world is getting back to some type of normalcy, moms, and just…

Ways To Be A Fun Boy Mom

No one prepared me for being a boy mom. I didn’t know what to expect, what to think and what I would need to do to get through the day to day activities and challenges. If you notice anything about my writing style and storytelling, I tend to focus on the present and future. That’s…

Take A Family Vacation Without Breaking The Bank

It’s always nice to be able to get away with our family when we have a chance, when work is light and when the kids are out of school. However, it can also be expensive and a challenge with the current climate of inflation and high interest rates. I have always been one for looking…

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